Thursday, February 16, 2006



Burnt no more
If you accidentally overcook your sauces or dishes and there's a burnt smell, just stick a couple of fresh chillies (uncut) into the dish till the burnt smell fades. Be sure to place the chillies upright in the dish.

Fried Rice Paradise
Put a few drops of cooking oil in the pot or cooker when you cook rice. This helps to keep the grains separate and intact should you later use the rice to make fried rice.

Stop the tears
Don't cry over your onions? Stop the tears by peeling onions in a basin full of water, then leave them to soak for a few minutes before slicing them.

No more tears
To take the tears out of chopping onions: Plug in a portable fan and turn it to high. It'll help blow away the fumes from your eyes - no more tears!

No more tears
Keep onions in the freezer and say bye bye to tears when slicing or dicing onions. Cutting onions into half, and running cold water over them is an alternative.

Saving coconuts
Leftover grated coconut can be kept fresh by placing it in a container with a few fresh chillies in the fridge. Cut the chillies horizontally to remove seeds but keep the stalk intact. This is will keep the coconut from going off for a few days.

Persimmon Protection
Don't stick to just one or two fruits. Try adding a couple of persimmons to the mix for extra artery protection.

Persimmons are packed with twice as much cholesterol-lowering fiber as apples, which can help keep your arteries clear of fatty plaques. It also contains potassium and calcium, minerals that can help control blood pressure.

2-in-1 skewer
Using lemongrass as skewers is a great way to add flavour to meat or fish. All you need to do is wash the lemongrass stalks, thread marinated seafood or meat pieces onto the stalks and grill. - from at-sunrise.

Swing the bottle
To get the last drops of ketchup out of the bottle: Grap the bottom of the bottle and start swinging your arms in a circular motion. Make sure you have the cap screwed on tightly. The remaining drops will be forced to the top.

Potato skins
If you wish to add a little extra color and texture to your salad, leave the skins on the potatoes. Just be sure to scrub them thoroughly before you begin.

Potato 'fixed' it
If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it's still cooking drop in a peeled potato - it absorbs the excess salt for an instant "fix me up".

Potato To The Rescue
Potatoes will take food stains off your fingers. Just slice and rub raw potato on the stains and rinse with water.

An apple a day....
To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes.

More Juice!
To get the most juice out of fresh lemons, bring them to room temperature and roll them under your palm against the kitchen counter before squeezing.

Egg-stra tip
To prevent egg shells from cracking, add a pinch of salt to the water before hard-boiling.

Fresh Eggs Check
To determine whether an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of cool, salted water. If it sinks, it is fresh - if it rises to the surface, throw it away.

Juggling Eggs
Here's a tip from Betty Crocker: Keep uncooked eggs in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. Use cooked eggs within 48 hours. Never keep eggs at room temperature more than two hours. Immediately refrigerate leftover foods containing eggs.

Egg Shells
Accidentally dropped some egg shell bits into egg or batter and don't know how to pick it up? Use the remaining shell to pick it up!

Perfect Pancakes
Use a meat baster to "squeeze" your pancake batter onto the hot griddle -perfect shaped pancakes every time.

Chocolate Tip
Bloom, the gray-white film that sometimes appears on chocolate bars and chips, occurs when chocolate is exposed to varying temperatures. It does not affect the taste or quality of the chocolate.

Baking the perfect cheesecake
Does your cheesecake always end up with a less-than-flawless surface? A tip: avoid over-beating the batter. Over-beating incorporates additional air and tends to cause cracking on the cheesecake's surface.

Tangerine Dream
Avoid that fat-laden BBQ pork (bah kwa) during this period, if you can. Nimbling on Mandarin oranges keeps you full and healthy, thanks to a chockful of Vitamin C and water content.

Did you know that the grapefruit is a hybrid citrus fruit? It's a cross between the pomelo and the orange.

Marinating Meats for BBQ
Foods can pick up a metallic taste if you marinate them in metal containers. Marinate your meats in a non-reactive container, like glass and ceramic, or a plastic bag.

Freshly Squeezed
If you like to add a fresh flavour to your orange juice, add some lemon juice.

That Sinking Feeling
If you find cherries, raisins and fruit sinking to the bottom of your cake, coat them with flour first.

Better Coffee
There is one simple way to get better coffee at home. Simply keep it in a well-sealed container. Air and moisture affect coffee adversely, so take what you need and quickly close the container.

Baking Powder vs Baking Soda
There is a difference between baking powder and baking soda. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, while baking powder contains other additives. In American recipe books, "baking powder" usually means baking soda.

Wash 'em thoroughly
If you plan on using the rind of fruit, and your produce isn't organically grown, give your fruit a slight scrub and rinse under the tap before grating the rind.

Diced Tomatoes
If you have been slicing tomatoes, then cutting them into cubes, no wonder there's tomato everywhere and not in your bowl. To dice tomatoes neatly, cut them into wedges first, then into smaller pieces. A sharp knife helps.

Snack on Ladies' Fingers
Did you know that Ladies' Fingers or Okra can be eaten raw? The vegetable contains natural sugars that make it an excellent crunchy and naturally sweet snack. It does wonders for digestion too.

Good Lookin' Beef
What do you look for in good steak? Bright red meat and creamy fat. Many chillers are installed with yellow or pink lights that enhance the colour. Move the meat away from such lights and inspect it. Does it still look nice and bright red?

More Fluff
Add a pinch of salt to egg white before beating – a sure way to add more fluff.

Thaw That Meat
Have you been thawing your meat by taking it out of the freezer and leaving it in the sink? Try thawing it in the chiller overnight first, before bringing it out to room temperature. This ensures the meat doesn't bleed and remains tender.

Choosing Asparagus
Look for frim spears with tightly closed tips. At least two third of the spear should have a bright green hue.

Cockroaches Everywhere!
Are cockroaches in your home driving you mad?: Try this tested trick. Fill in a large bowl with cheap wine and leave it under the sink. The pests will drink it, get drunk, fall in the bowl and drown...easy!

Rub it off with walnuts!
If your polished furniture has small scratches: Try rubbing them with a shelled walnut. You'll see the scratches just disappear!

Opening Jars
If you have problems opening jars: Try using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy!

Shiny mirrors
Use air-freshener to clean mirrors: It does a good job and better still, leaves a lovely smell to the shine.

Cut the smell
When your cutting board is starting to smell like onions and everything else,scrub it with baking soda and water

Two Lives
If you're about to throw away that plastic tablecloth, think again. Save these sheets. They make excellent picnic mats, can be draped over the car seats when taking the dogs out for a ride, or to protect your furniture when you're repainting.

Basting in a BBQ
If you find your basting brush burning during grilling, try this natural, fragrant method and leave your brush in the kitchen. Tie together a bunch of pandan leaves. For the "bushy end", make small cuts with a pair of scissors along the grain of the leaf.

Separate your Silver
Don't soak stainless steel knives with silver. A chemical reaction causes black spots to appear on stainless steel blades.

Mug Stains
Rinse your favourite mug in lemon juice or vinegar to keep clean and bright.

Silver Hates Dust
Dust causes silver to tarnish - so you should keep the two well apart. If you don't use your silverware frequently, keep it in a plastic bag that's secured tied or in a tight lidded plastic container. Ditto your silver jewellery.

Dunk 'Em and Lose 'Em
Wash only the blades of silver knives that have decorative handles. If you dunk them all in water, the handle will soon fall off the blade.

Clean Reading
Before rinsing dishes under the tap, use old newspapers to wipe the leftovers into the bin. Newspapers absorb oil and you'll need to use less washing detergent. In the long run, you'll also save on plumbing costs because bits of food won't choke the pipes.

Banish Odour
Are you holding your breath every time you open the shoe cabinet? Try leaving a container of baking soda in there. Sprinkling some baking soda into offensive smelling shoes also helps cut odour.

High Shine
Vinegar and water are great glass polishers. Use newspaper to buff. This really is a cheap tip that works!

It Looks Brand New!
Well, almost. You can get rid of brown stains in your coffee pot by washing it with salt.

Touch of Mint
On a hot day, give your room a breath of fresh air. Get some mint leaves. If the leaves are fresh, chop them up finely. If they're dried or frozen, crush them in your palm. Then scatter them on a bowl of ice cubes. You will soon get a lovely refreshing minty breath of cool air.

To keep buttons from dropping off:
Dab a drop of clear nail polish onto the thread to secure the buttons. This will harden and make it more difficult for thread to break off.

Are your shoes smelly?:
Here's a solution. Put some tea leaves into a pair of stockings and stuff each into a shoe. Leave for a day or two And the smell just vanishes!

Spot on Nails
White spots on your nails could be caused by any number of things, including injury. But one reason could be a lack of zinc or protein in your diet. Chronic liver disease caused by alcoholism can also result in completely white nails. Zinc sources: Beef, fish and poultry.

Cold Cures
If you feel a cold coming on, drink lots of water and have lots of fresh fruit to increase your Vitamin C intake.

Sleep like Honey
If you can't sleep tonight, try taking some honey. Some say that honey is relaxing and soothing.

Bleeding Gums?
Maybe you should eat more oranges and other citrus fruits, which contain bioflavonoids that strengthen blood vessels.

The Road is Long
Low blood sugar levels lead to bad judgment and lightheadedness. So when you're going to be driving long distances, bring along some high carbohydrate food like chocolates. Drink lots of water too. This will also force you to take toilet breaks, giving you the chance to stretch.

Stash The Lolly
If milk teeth are allowed to decay and fall out prematurely, your child may end up with uneven teeth that grow too close to each other. That's because fallen milk teeth can't "reserve" space for the adult tooth. So, limit (severely) the number of sweets your child consumes.

Gulp Don't Sip
The sugar in aerated drinks, when mixed with bacteria in your mouth, creates acids that erode the enamel of your teeth. If you spend the day sipping on soft drinks, the acids are going to stay longer in your mouth causing more damage to teeth. So gulp if you drink the stuff.

Tuna Improves Your Bite
If you love tuna and sardines, you'll be happy to know that they contain plenty of Vitamin D and together with Calcium, builds strong teeth and bones.

If it is a chemical burn, the butter may keep the chemical on the burned area, increasing exposure to the chemical.

the best thing to do is flush it with cool water ( not cold! more damage to the tissue) so that that the heat from whichever source, the strange chemical that burns or whatever it is will stop cooking ur flesh.

Grease Off
If you have to cool your food before storing it away in the fridge, it's the perfect opportunity to remove some fat from your food. Excess oil will have hardened on the cool surface. Use a spoon to remove it.

Take Off Some Fat
Before thawing leftovers from the fridge, take a look at your food. If there is excessive fat, it will have hardened. Just remove it before heating and you will do your heart a favour.

A Whiter Smile
Try rubbing a lemon rind on your teeth to remove brown stains.

Soothe Your Cough
5 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 cup of honey and ¼ cup of warm water. Mix it up and leave it in the fridge. Take 1 - 2 teaspoons or when necessary. The only drawback is getting fat on honey!
Stay young with Almonds
An ounce of almonds contain 35% of daily value of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from cancer, heart disease and aging. -Source: Blue Diamond Growers

Diet on nuts?
Studies done by the University of Nevada School of Medicine found that nut consumers have lower body weight. Nut eaters also maintain or lose weight better than individuals who do not eat nuts.

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